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![Phone Icon](https://www.greenproksp.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/phone-call-1.webp)
We provide Accounting and Tax services
for your company in Thailand.
Greenproksp have an accounting and tax service place in Thailand. Our company had an experience in accounting service for over 28 years. We have a professional team to help you solve the problem and give advice. We are a one-stop service in accounting and tax services in thailand.
Our company can support you by summarize report e.g. Balance sheet, income statement, profit and loss, corporate income, personal income, monthly report etc.
Setup your company system with us to reduce process of work decrease a mistake that can be happen.
We can help you to about the way how to pay tax correctly. Our company can help collect tax evidence.
Let us know what you want to do, We welcome to help you. Our Accounting service place in Bangkok meet us.
We have specific location for collecting Date neither online document or paper document.
we ensure that your company will receive the right data.
We have over 60+ accounting service branch in thailand to support your company.
What ever your company are facing or stuck with the trouble. Come talk to us we can give you an advice.
Our Accounting service calculate cost depend on your customer business type, Number of document and business complexity. After that we will set a price that suitable for the amount of work.
Normally our customer will sending a document to us by post. For some of our customer who lives in Bangkok area, their bring a document to our office, if our customer are not convinent, please inform us to pick up a document for you.
Yes, In additional of Accounting service. We also have account audit for customer for more information please Click this link. >>Audit assurance<<
Yes, We can set up account system for your company. We use a quality accounting system that will help control internal information to be accurate and complete. keep up with the management And we also have an ERP accounting program that can be used online on the Cloud, working anywhere. It is a highly effective program at a reasonable price. as an option for customers to use in your organization Empowering organizations to quickly get ahead of competitors.
More Detail please click this link. >>Set up business system service<<
For customers who have an account with us We are representatives to help meet with the Revenue Department. In case you have tax accounting problems to help guide agents Negotiate a tax settlement legal Alleviate concerns for entrepreneurs.
Our team have a business service experience for over 28 years. In term of using our service we’ll give an advice about tax problem and help you solve the problem so you don’t have to worry about tax problem.